Below are some of the new species discovered on Russell’s outback adventures. There are several plants available to purchase at Eremophila Park or markets attended by Russsell please use the contact form for any plant sales enquires.
Eremophila waitii – Not available commercially.
Recently discovered and more research is required, named after Russell Wait, collector, curator of the Australian Eremophila Collection.
A shrub 1 – 2m high by 1- 1.5m wide with grey leaves 10 – 20mm long by 0.5- 0.9mm wide; medium sized corolla is deep lilac; small sized sepals are dark purple and hairy. Flowers in spring.

Eremophila densifolia subsp. publiflora x nivea (Beryl’s Blue) – registered cultivar
A shrub to 1/5m high/wide with grey leaves 10-20mm long by 1-2.5mm wide; medium sized corolla is lilac. Flowers in spring or sporadically after new growth.

Eremophila calorhabdos x splendens (Beryl’s Gem)– registered cultivar
A shrub to 2m high/wide with greyish leaves 18-25mm long by 11-16 mm wide; medium sized corolla is deep pink. Flowers in spring or after new growth.

Eremophila glabra x maculate subsp. brevifolia (Beryl’s Lipstick) – registered cultivar
A shrub to 1.5 high by 2m wide with greenish leaves 15-25mm long by 5-8mm wide; medium sized corolla is red with an orange throat. Flowers in spring or after new growth.